Hello again!
Thank you for the hard work.
Using the recent release (0.7), on some packages I am getting some weird issues when reading their metadata.
I assume the errors are due to old metadata but is there a way to support reading those metadata?
for example, using this package:
I am getting the following exceptions on some files:
io/fotoapparat/hardware/CameraDevice$setFocalPoint$1.smali , error is kotlinx.metadata.InconsistentKotlinMetadataException: No VersionRequirement with the given id in the table
io/fotoapparat/hardware/Device$getCameraParameters$1.smali , error is kotlinx.metadata.InconsistentKotlinMetadataException: No VersionRequirement with the given id in the table
io/fotoapparat/hardware/CameraDevice$updateParameters$1.smali , error is kotlinx.metadata.InconsistentKotlinMetadataException: No VersionRequirement with the given id in the table
io/fotoapparat/hardware/CameraDevice$updateFocusingAreas$1.smali , error is kotlinx.metadata.InconsistentKotlinMetadataException: No VersionRequirement with the given id in the table
io/fotoapparat/routine/camera/UpdateConfigurationRoutineKt$updateCameraConfiguration$1.smali , error is kotlinx.metadata.InconsistentKotlinMetadataException: No VersionRequirement with the given id in the table
io/fotoapparat/routine/capability/GetCapabilitiesRoutineKt$getCapabilities$1.smali , error is kotlinx.metadata.InconsistentKotlinMetadataException: No VersionRequirement with the given id in the table
io/fotoapparat/routine/focus/FocusRoutineKt$focus$1.smali , error is kotlinx.metadata.InconsistentKotlinMetadataException: No VersionRequirement with the given id in the table
io/fotoapparat/routine/focus/FocusOnPointRoutineKt$focusOnPoint$1.smali , error is kotlinx.metadata.InconsistentKotlinMetadataException: No VersionRequirement with the given id in the table
io/fotoapparat/routine/zoom/UpdateZoomLevelRoutineKt$updateZoomLevel$1.smali , error is kotlinx.metadata.InconsistentKotlinMetadataException: No VersionRequirement with the given id in the table
io/fotoapparat/routine/parameter/GetParametersRoutineKt$getCurrentParameters$1.smali , error is kotlinx.metadata.InconsistentKotlinMetadataException: No VersionRequirement with the given id in the table
io/fotoapparat/routine/photo/TakePhotoRoutineKt$takePhoto$1.smali , error is kotlinx.metadata.InconsistentKotlinMetadataException: No VersionRequirement with the given id in the table
io/fotoapparat/coroutines/AwaitBroadcastChannel$getValue$1.smali , error is kotlinx.metadata.InconsistentKotlinMetadataException: No VersionRequirement with the given id in the table
Example Metadata from these files:
from io/fotoapparat/hardware/CameraDevice$setFocalPoint$1.:
.annotation runtime Lkotlin/Metadata;
bv = {
d1 = {
d2 = {
k = 0x3
mv = {
.end annotation
from io/fotoapparat/hardware/Device$getCameraParameters$1:
.annotation runtime Lkotlin/Metadata;
bv = {
d1 = {
d2 = {
k = 0x3
mv = {
.end annotation
What are these exceptions? how can we read & use those metadatas?
Thank you!