Coroutines and cancelling blocking code

Doesn’t this depend on whether the blocking operation is interruptible or not? For example, runInterruptible() won’t work with Socket, but it should with SocketChannel. Although, it is a matter of what we mean by “blocking”. As I understand, SocketChannel uses non-blocking IO underneath, but it blocks the thread while waiting for IO.

But generally speaking: no, runInterruptible() isn’t a bulletproof solution to running synchronous IO.

Some time ago I explored the topic of how to properly handle synchronous IO with coroutines, especially regarding cancellations. I think this topic isn’t very well documented in official docs (?). I found 3 possible solutions:

  1. runInterruptible() if we know IO is interruptible.
  2. Create an utility that automatically closes a resource on cancellation. Something like: Cancel blocking function after timeout without 'select' - #2 by broot . This seems like the best solution in most cases, but it requires that we know a resource that is related to the IO operation.
  3. Run IO inside a child coroutine and make the parent not wait for it on cancellation. I didn’t find a way to do it properly, but I was able to achieve this with some hacking: Coroutine/Job that doesn't join its children when cancelled
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