Coroutines: different ways to change coroutine context

Canceling the outermost coroutine wouldn’t cancel the produce job, because the directly passed SupervisorJob has no parent?


So the coroutine created by withContext fails with the exception, because its Job is canceled by the failing produce coroutine, which passes the exception to cancel ?

Mostly correct, it’s not cancel, it’s a childCancelled internal method

It wasn’t clear to me that withContext creates another job. Is this information missing in the documentation or is this implicit by some other statement?

No, withContext is not clear about this at all (IMO), but CoroutineScope is helpful:

Is withContext(coroutineContext){} semantically the same as coroutineScope{} ?

As far as I’m aware, yes. They are intended for different use cases, docs make purpose of each pretty clear, I think.

Anyway here is my new attempt :slight_smile: Is it closer to the original this time

On the surface, supervisorScope is not an extension method, and it handles any Throwable, not just Exception. As far as a being a Structured Concurrency learning exercise, it looks pretty good to me. Let’s stick with what the experts created for us in our real code, though :wink: