Do not override interface members in delegates

Also, answering your another post that apparently was intended for this topic:

And answering many other your posts here.

No offence, but your attitude isn’t the best. You are clearly still learning, I think not only Kotlin, but programming in general. It is good you have a lot of questions, but they’re usually not like: “Why things were designed as they were?”, but more like: “Why it was designed wrong and when do you plan to fix this?”. And in many cases your suggestions are actually the opposite of what should be done.

I can assure you programming languages are not designed by 3 friends during a single evening. Designing takes months, a lot of discussion across several people, maybe even with the community. During that time many different possibilities are being analyzed, the team look at other languages to see what features could fit well into Kotlin, etc. I suspect most of your suggestions were either discussed already and they were rejected or they didn’t at all fit Kotlin and they weren’t even taken into consideration.

Consider that whenever you see something was designed badly, maybe in reality you just miss the context or experience to understand it fully.

Also, even generic-purpose languages (like Kotlin) have their specifics that you may like or not. From your posts it seems you would prefer a dynamic language that makes guesses on what do you need it to do. Kotlin is the opposite: strongly-typed, very strict and everything is rather explicit. But programming languages are just tools. You don’t have to use any specific language, you can choose one that suits you the best. (yeah, it is harder with Android).