Dynamic function name or qualifier in generic class

Hi everyone,
I’m working on generic class with bean-s definition inside. unfortunately the last bean I need to autowire is with the same name and in second specialization of this generic I have a problem with autowiring in One class…
In shortcut I have generic like this:

class Generic<T> {
    open fun someFun():T {
         return someProxyWhichReturnT()

Now I define 2 classes

open class FromGeneric1 :
open class FromGeneric2 :

And in my class I want to use them as:

class TestClass {
    private lateinit var someFun: MyType1

    private lateinit var someFun: MyType2

Unfortunately it is not possible because of duplicate in names
So I try qualifiers like this:

class TestClass {
    private lateinit var someFun1: MyType1

    private lateinit var someFun2: MyType2

Not working also, because of undistinguished classes ( one generic )

Solution should be to use @Qualifier inside generic and specialization this at compile time or make function name varying dynamicly by using tempalte or some companion object, I mean

open class Generic<T> {
    open fun someFun():T {
         return someProxyWhichReturnT()


open class Generic<T,V> {
    open fun someFun():T {
         return someProxyWhichReturnT()
  1. dynamic function name
class Generic<T> {
    open fun someFun_${T::toString} ():T {
         return someProxyWhichReturnT()

For now I see no options, but maybe in the future this generics will be more resemble C++ templates :slight_smile: and It will be feasible.
