The suspendCoroutine
method is how you convert callback-based async code into suspend methods.
suspend fun PgQuerierClass.awaitExecQuery(query: String): Pair<QueryClass, ConnectionClass> {
return suspendCoroutine { continuation ->
execQuery(query) { qr, conn ->
continuation.resume(qr to conn) //resume gives the value for suspendCoroutine to return
Then you can use the new helper method to write the code without any callback (also incorporated mapNotNull
and use
suspend fun getUsers(): List<UserEntity> {
val qr, conn = pgQuerier.awaitExecQuery("""
select *
from "Users"
return conn.use {
try {
if (qr.succeeded()) {
qr.result().mapNotNull { getNewUser(row) }
} else {
println("Failed to get users: ${qr.cause().message}")
catch(ex: java.lang.Exception) {
If the method is used more generally at all, I’d suggest pulling the conn.use into a second helper so it doesn’t need to be dealt with.
(Note: didn’t run the code so please forgive any typos)