Thanks for your reply!
In my case changing the output file did not work (Webpack couldn’t find any of the npm dependencies anymore).
However, it did work when I commented out the outputFile entirely!
It’s really fast now, however, the hot reload does not work yet, I get
[WDS] Errors while compiling. Reload prevented.
Do you perhaps know of a setting to force refresh Webpack to reload after a rebuild?
Btw, this is the error, basically it cannot find the project’s .js file, which makes sense as it’s rebuilding:
./kotlin/<PROJECT NAME>.js
Module build failed (from <PATH TO PROJECT>/build/js/packages_imported/kotlin-source-map-loader/1.3.61/kotlin-source-map-loader.js):
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '<PATH TO PROJECT>/build/js/packages/<PROJECT NAME>/kotlin/<PROJECT NAME>'