I think I fixed it!
I found Kotlin JS incremental compilation, but when I tried to copy the solution in a webpack.config.d/webpack.config.js in the project root, the server wouldn’t start at all (I assume because the devServer settings would be overwritten). So I copied the config.devServer settings from the auto-generated webpack.config.js, added the watchOptions, like this:
config.devServer = {
"inline": true,
"lazy": false,
"noInfo": true,
"open": true,
"overlay": false,
"port": 8080,
"watchOptions": {
"aggregateTimeout": 5000,
"poll": 1000
"contentBase": [
"<PATH TO PROJECT>/build/processedResources/Js/main"
and now hot reloading works!
Let me say that this is quite a hacky solution, so if anyone knows how to add the watchOptions part using gradle, let me know!