R is unresolved

Same issue here, only thing that worked was to update Android Studio to 3.4 RC2

Thanks a lot for the info! This solved my problem!
:grin: :clinking_glasses:

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Try to check your applicationId in build.gradle and package attribute in your manifest.

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Thanks a lot for this! This solved my problem!

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I have to say that God sent you to save my life :))))

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Having the same error in Android studio chipmuk in Mac.
And suggesting to implement the ‘app’ in androidTestImplementation in dependancies as
androidTestImplementation project(path: ‘:app’)

This solves the issue and test cases passed, but I am sure this is not the right fix, since I don’t remember I have added this line in my gradle earlier in Linux machines. And this implementation may cause a recursive implementation because the “androidTest” is already in the “app” folder, and now we imoplement the “app” inside “androidTestImplementation” looks confusing. anyhow tests works.

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