Suggest new operation combining 'when' & 'with'

I think this is related to this topic, but instead of passing the value through, use the value as receiver, if I’m right.

Ps. I think the way i would write your code is:

 arguments?.takeIf{ it.containsKey(KEY_DOWN_X) }
   ?: centerX()

Or even better, create an extensionFunction like

inline fun <reified T> Bundle.getOrElse(
    key: String, 
    compute: () -> T?
): T = (this[key] as? T)?: compute()

Note, the compute will also be called if T is the incorrect type.

The other solution is like you original did

inline fun <reified T> Bundle.getOrElse(
    key: String, 
    compute: () -> T?
): T = takeIf{it.containsKey(key)}
   ?.let{this[key] as T)} 
   ?: compute()

And then you throw an error by the incorrect type