I’m a programmer who knows around 15 programming languages. Here are a few of those, roughly listed in order from most favorite to least favorite:
- Kotlin (of course!) + Java
- Kotlin for Minecraft mods
- Java for Processing
- C++11, for a programming class (yawn, I had 7 years of experience before that class) - https://logandark.net/calc/
- TypeScript (and JavaScript ES6) - for Angular
- {ba,fi,}sh (they’re all shell scripting languages)
- Lua 5.1 - for ROBLOX (1 2), Garry’s Mod addons, and OpenComputers/ComputerCraft (1 2)
- HTML5/CSS3 - for all sorts of things
- Go (just a tiny bit, then I quit)
- Python (for Discord bots)
- Rust (just a tiny bit, for a pull request to
) - TI-BASIC 68k (think TI-89 Titanium, less TI-84+)
- C (just a tiny bit, then I quit)
I’ve used a few libraries and frameworks:
- Angular (6, not JS) (https://app.nitrogenedit.com/)
- Tailwind CSS (https://logandark.net/calc/)
- Emscripten (https://logandark.net/calc/)
- Processing
- Discord.py
- Minecraft Forge
- Spigot/CraftBukkit
I’m also an otherkin with 6 personalities :p (although only myself and 1 other have the possibility of being here)