A possibly interesting development (var & val)

I was reading about var & val’s (“When an identifier holds data, you must decide whether it can be reassigned”) and it occurred to me it can be an interesting development regarding vars to include a way to limit how many times they can be assigned, meaning after “x” times they can’t be reassigned anymore.

Something like var<5> for instance, or var<x>.

What are use cases?

Also, val/var is mostly a compile-time construct and in most cases compiler can’t verify at the compile time how many times we access a variable. Property delegate could be a better fit here.


I don’t think I ever needed such a construct, and as broot pointed out, generally the best we could do is runtime checks. But this is already possible. The elegant solution would be indeed with a delegate, but even a crude custom setter would do:

var counter = 0
var x: String = ""
    set(value) {
        if (counter > 3) error("oops")
        field = value

Or you encapsulate the behavior in a class:

data class Box<T>(val initialValue: T, val maxTimes: Int) {
    private var counter = 0
    var value = initialValue
        private set

    fun set(t: T) {
        if (counter >= maxTimes) error("oops")
        value = t

No need to introduce a new syntax if you can create it yourself, if you really need it once in a blue moon. Also, that way you have much more control over the behavior (e.g. more complex conditions, which error to throw, logging…)


There are delegates for that if you really need it.

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