I wanted to generalize a function loading entities from database, I’ve placed table name and array of fields in a companion object, and set up an interface to access those values.
Everything is Ok but for accessing those values in the generic function I could not find better than to create an instance of the object, and well it feels unnatural to me, how can I access the companion properties without instancing and Object?
Thank you
interface MI{
abstract val tName:String
abstract val tSelect:Array<String>
data class KLevel( var id: Long =0,var nLocal:Int=0,var nServer:Int=0, var desc: String = ""):MI{
override val tSelect:Array<String> get() = tSelect
override val tName:String get() = tName
companion object {
const val tName : String = "KLEVEL"
val tSelect: Array<String> = arrayOf("ID","NLOCAL","NSERVER","DESC")
fun loadAll(): List<KLevel> {
val L2: = DB2.use { select(KLevel.tName,*KLevel.tSelect).exec { parseList(classParser<KLevel>()) } } }
return L2
inline fun< reified T:MI > loadAll():List<T>{
val s=T::class.java.newInstance() <---- Sure there is a better way
val L2=DB2.use { select(s.tName, *s.tSelect).exec { parseList(classParser<T>()) }
return L2