Access constructor argument, not field


consider this example:

abstract class A(open val x: Int, y: Int = x) {

    init {
        println("x:${x}, y:${y}")

class B(override val x: Int) : A(42)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    B(42) // prints: x:0, y:42

The problem is that x accesses the field (this.x which is not set yet, because B is not initialized yet) not the constructor argument (which is defined). Is there a way to access “x the constructor argument” directly?
As in the above example you can create another parameter and make it default to the first, but this feels really awkward.


It looks odd but this seems to work:

abstract class A(x: Int) {
    open val x = x

    init {

class B(override val x: Int) : A(42)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    B(42)  // prints: x:42
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That’s really an improvement!