Say you have this class:
class SomeClass {
val obj: String by MyDelegate()
Is there any what to get access to the MyDelegate() object that is associated with ‘obj’?
Say you have this class:
class SomeClass {
val obj: String by MyDelegate()
Is there any what to get access to the MyDelegate() object that is associated with ‘obj’?
This is not supported yet. The best you can do for now is assign the delegate to a different property:
private val del = MyDelegate()
val obj: String by del
This would be pretty nice to have.
Here’s my use case:
I’m creating delegates to represent cascading style properties, which works great, but without an easy way to get at the delegate object itself, it’s not easy to clear its explicit value.
I’d love to be able to do something like this:
class SomeStyle {
var p by StyleProp(0)
val host = SomeStyle()
println(host.p) // 0
host.p = 4
println(host.p) // 4
println(host.p) // 0
class StyleProp<P>(
val defaultValue: P) : ReadWriteProperty<StyleBase, P> {
private var _explicit: P? = null
private var _explicitIsSet: Boolean = false
val explicitIsSet: Boolean
get() = _explicitIsSet
internal var _calculated: Any? = null
override fun getValue(thisRef: StyleBase, property: KProperty<*>): P {
return _calculated as P
override fun setValue(thisRef: StyleBase, property: KProperty<*>, value: P) {
_explicit = value
_explicitIsSet = true
_calculated = value
val explicit: P
get() = _explicit!!
* Clears the explicit value.
fun clear() {
_explicit = null
_explicitIsSet = false
_calculated = null
Such a feature would be relevant in the discussion in this thread: Unary operator for parameter-less get - #8 by dalewking