The Observable class (and a few other classes) have static and non-static methods
that expect parameters of type Func0, Func1, etc and Action0, Action1, etc.
Have you considered making them more idiomatic Kotlin with extension functions
such as:
fun <T> Observable<T>.subscribe(onNext: (T) -> Unit): Subscription {
return this.subscribe(object: Action1<T> {
override fun call(t: T?): Unit = onNext(t as T)
}) as Subscription
Theorically due to SAM constructs you don’t need an Extension Method to achieve that. For example:
fun received<T>(): (T?) -> Unit {
return {(result: T?) -> a!!.received(result) }
listOf(1, 2, 3).asObservable().filter { it!! >= 2 }!!.subscribe(received())
As you see fitler and subscribe functions are able to receive functions (fitler receive a (T?) -> Boolean and susbscribe a (T?) -> Unit) as parameters
Obviously I didn’t cover every specific function with my tests (This is something that I plan to do at some point) but as far a I see SAM constructs works fine.
Notice that I provide some Extension functions but just for convert easily from Kotlin types to Observables
If you have any specific example where this approach is not enough, please ping me back here