BasicJvmScriptingHost imports not working with StringScriptSource

Hi all! I am trying to use imports with the BasicJvmScriptingHost with StringScriptSource instead of FileScriptSource. Unfortunately it is not working as expected. This is my test code:

import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Paths
import kotlin.script.experimental.api.*
import kotlin.script.experimental.jvmhost.BasicJvmScriptingHost

data class CustomScriptSource(
    override val text: String,
    override val name: String?,
    override val locationId: String?
) : SourceCode

fun main() {
    val testCode = """
        fun test(): TestInput {
            return TestInput(1,2)

    val path = Paths.get("src/main/resources/TestInput.kt")
    val stringScriptSource = StringScriptSource(Files.readString(path), "TestInput.kt")
    val compilationConfigStringSource = ScriptCompilationConfiguration {
    val fileScriptSource = FileScriptSource(path.toFile())
    val compilationConfigFileSource = ScriptCompilationConfiguration {

    val customScriptSource =
        CustomScriptSource(Files.readString(path), "TestInput.kt", "src\\main\\resources\\TestInput.kt")
    val compilationConfigurationCustomSource = ScriptCompilationConfiguration {

    val codeSource = StringScriptSource(testCode)
    val scriptingHost = BasicJvmScriptingHost()
    val evaluationConfig = ScriptEvaluationConfiguration {}
    println("\tWith FileScriptSource:")
    printResult(scriptingHost.eval(codeSource, compilationConfigFileSource, evaluationConfig))
    println("\tWith StringScriptSource:")
    printResult(scriptingHost.eval(codeSource, compilationConfigStringSource, evaluationConfig))
    println("\tWith CustomScriptSource:")
    printResult(scriptingHost.eval(codeSource, compilationConfigurationCustomSource, evaluationConfig))
    println("\tWith no imports:")
    printResult(scriptingHost.eval(codeSource, ScriptCompilationConfiguration {}, evaluationConfig))


private fun printResult(result: ResultWithDiagnostics<EvaluationResult>) {
    if (result is ResultWithDiagnostics.Success) {
    } else {
    result.reports.filter { it.severity > ScriptDiagnostic.Severity.DEBUG }
        .forEach {
            println(it.severity.toString() + ": " + it.message + " in " + it.sourcePath + " at " + it.location?.start?.let { "${it.line}:${it.col}" } + " to " + it.location?.end?.let { "${it.line}:${it.col}" })

with TestInput.kt simply containing data class TestInput(val a: Int, val b: Int). This produces

	With FileScriptSource:
$$result: <root>.TestInput = TestInput(a=1, b=2)

	With StringScriptSource:
ERROR: Unresolved reference: TestInput in script.kts at 1:13 to 1:22
ERROR: Unresolved reference: TestInput in script.kts at 2:12 to 2:21

	With CustomScriptSource:
ERROR: Unresolved reference: TestInput in script.kts at 1:13 to 1:22
ERROR: Unresolved reference: TestInput in script.kts at 2:12 to 2:21

	With no imports:
ERROR: Unresolved reference: TestInput in script.kts at 1:13 to 1:22
ERROR: Unresolved reference: TestInput in script.kts at 2:12 to 2:21

Does anyone have an idea why StringScriptSource and the CustomScriptSource are not working? I am using kotlin, kotlin-scripting-jvm and kotlin-scripting-jvm-host all at version 1.6.21. I also tried with a import TestInput at the start of the test code: No difference.

Thanks for any input!

So I found the following snippet in org.jetbrains.kotlin.scripting.compiler.plugin.dependencies.ScriptsCompilationDependenciesKt#collectScriptsCompilationDependencies

val sourceDependenciesRoots = refinedConfiguration.value.importedScripts.mapNotNull {
    // TODO: support any kind of ScriptSource.
    val path = (it as? FileBasedScriptSource)?.file?.absolutePath ?: return@mapNotNull null
    KotlinSourceRoot(path, false)

which would explain why the imports are not working. I am still interested in a workaround or any information about when this will be implemented/fixed.

For future reference: I dug into the compilation dependencies code but found no way to add non-file-based script sources as dependencies. I ended up writing my imports to a temporary directory at the start of the app and importing them as FileScriptSources. This works for now but is obviously not an ideal solution.