Hi all,
I am working through Kotlin in action and have the following code
enum class Color (
val r: Int, val g:Int, val b:Int
) {
RED(255,0,0), ORANGE(255,165,0),
YELLOW(255,255,0), GREEN(0,255,0), BLUE(0,0,255),
INDIGO(75,0,130), VIOLET(238,130,238);
fun rgb() = (r * 256 + g) * 256 + b;
fun getMnemonic(color:Color) {
when (color) {
Color.RED -> "Richard"
Color.ORANGE -> "Of"
Color.YELLOW -> "York"
Color.GREEN -> "Gave"
Color.BLUE -> "Battle"
Color.INDIGO -> "In"
Color.VIOLET -> "Vain"
My question is in main I do the following, but I get see the result “kotlin.unit” rather than the expected string value
fun main (args: Array<String>) {
Why does Kotlin fail to infer the return type here ? If I change the getMnemonic method to return a string explicity, then it works.