BLOB fields in Anko SQLite

With a simple data class like this:

data class KExercise(var ID:Long=0, var IDLesson:Long=0, var TypeOfEx:Int=0, var TL1:String=“”, var TL2:String=“” )

I can take advantage of stright rowParser

val rowParser = classParser< KExercise >()

But if I add a Blob field in my DB (expressed as a ByteArray in my class)

data class KExercise(var ID:Long=0, var IDLesson:Long=0, var TypeOfEx:Int=0, var TL1:String=“”, var TL2:String=“”, var S1: ByteArray = kotlin.ByteArray(0) )

Then If I try : “val rowParser = classParser< KExercise >()” It crashes because " Can’t initialize object parser for com.begemot.KTeacher.KExercise, no acceptable constructors found"

But on the other hand I’m able to construct KExercise in all flawors like

    val BA:ByteArray=ByteArray(0)
    val a:KExercise = KExercise(1,2,1,"jj","jj",BA )
    val b:KExercise= KExercise(S1 = BA)
    val c:KExercise= KExercise()

I’m definetely missing something …
Thank you

So far I wanted to manage SQLite records with with the following data class:

data class KExercise(var ID:Long=0, var IDLesson:Long=0, var TypeOfEx:Int=0, var TL1:String=“”, var TL2:String=“”, var S1: ByteArray= byteArrayOf(100) )

but when trying to use

val rowParser = classParser()

I’ve got an exception stating that : " Can’t initialize object parser for com.begemot.KTeacher.KExercise, no acceptable constructors found"

Looking at the classParser constructor I’ve found the expected parameters passed as they should (after //), but at a certain moment a ::hasApplicableType is called for each argument of the constructor for the class you
are trying to build the parser, and if you set a breakpoint you’ll see pasing gracefully longs, ints, strings, and all of the suden a “class[B” type will pass … and of course there is no such a type … and an exception
will be thrown.

Ok, you migh call me stupid, or naive or whatever, but please don’t call me too ambitious for just wanting to use what would be a simple nice feature … geting your blobs easyly.
After all someone wrote “parseRow accepts a list of Any (the type of Any could practically be nothing but Long, Double, String or ByteArray”

internal fun classParser(clazz: Class): RowParser { //clazz: “class com.begemot.KTeacher.KExercise”
val applicableConstructors = clazz.declaredConstructors.filter { ctr → //clazz: “class com.begemot.KTeacher.KExercise” ctr:“public com.begemot.KTeacher.KExercise(long,long,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,byte)”
if (ctr.isVarArgs || !Modifier.isPublic(ctr.modifiers)) return@filter false
val types = ctr.parameterTypes //types: Clas[6]@4569 ctr: “public com.begemot.KTeacher.KExercise(long,long,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,byte)”
return@filter types != null && types.isNotEmpty() && types.all(::hasApplicableType)

if (applicableConstructors.isEmpty()) {
throw AnkoException(“Can’t initialize object parser for ${clazz.canonicalName}, no acceptable constructors found”)

private fun hasApplicableType(type: Class<*>): Boolean { // type: “class[B”
if (type.isPrimitive) { // type: “class[B”
return true

return when (type) {,,,,,,,,, -> true
    else -> false
