Builder for dynamic objects?

I wonder why there is not builder constructor for dynamic objects in kotlin-js standard library.
I am playing around with calling javascript library from kotlin code and configuration object looks like that:

                "width" to "100%",
                "height" to "400px",

                "controller" to json(
                        "loadData" to { filter: dynamic ->
                            println("loading items with filter: $filter")
                        "insertItem" to { item: dynamic ->
                            println("inserting item: $item")
                            val point = DataPoint(
                                    phi1 = item.phi1,
                                    psio = item.psio,
                                    psie = item.psie
                        "updateItem" to { item: dynamic ->
                            println("updating item: $item")
                            item as Any
                        "deleteItem" to { item: dynamic ->
                            println("removing item: $item")
                            _data.remove(item as DataPoint)
                            item as Any

It works fine but looks not good at all. but introducing a very simple function:

fun js(builder: dynamic.() -> Unit): dynamic {
        val obj = Any().asDynamic()
        return obj

into much cleaner code:

js {
            width = "100%"
            height = "400px"

            controller = js {
                loadData = { filter: dynamic ->
                    println("loading items with filter: $filter")
                insertItem = { item: dynamic ->
                    println("inserting item: $item")
                    val point = DataPoint(
                            phi1 = item.phi1,
                            psio = item.psio,
                            psie = item.psie
                updateItem = { item: dynamic ->
                    println("updating item: $item")
                deleteItem = { item: dynamic ->
                    println("removing item: $item")
                    _data.remove(item as DataPoint)

Is there a reason why it is not done this way? Or maybe it is already defined somewhere and I just have not found it?

At the moment you wouldn’t be able to create something like { "0": "" }, because

js { `0` = ''}

doesn’t compile

Otherwise historical reasons I guess.

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