I run into an error which I do not understand after deserializing with gson.
My usecase is way more complex, but I created this test below which shows the behaviour I see.
The issue is the calculated transient value (allObjs) that is null after deserialisation. The unit test fails on the last assert.
Apparently the @Transient prevents correct initialisation of allObjs after deserialisation.
Is this expected behaviour? Can I do anything to make the field work in this way?
If not then I have to convert all the transient fields to functions like getThemAll(), which does work.
I hope for any insights.
Regards, Rob
class CoupleDeserializeTest {
data class Couple( val objA: String, val objB: String){
val allObjs: List<String> = listOf(objA, objB)
fun getThemAll() = listOf(objA, objB)
fun testDe_SerializeCouple() {
val couple = Couple("my", "text")
// This succeeds
val gson = Gson()
val json = gson.toJson(couple)
// This succeeds
Assert.assertEquals("{\"objA\":\"my\",\"objB\":\"text\"}", json)
val coupleDeserialized = gson.fromJson<Couple>(json, Couple::class.java)
// This succeeds
// This fails