Calling a java method that expect Class<T>?

I am trying to call a java method from the Apache Camel ProducerTemplate, the method is declared in java as:

<T> T requestBodyAndHeaders(String endpointUri, Object body, Map<String, Object> headers, Class<T> type) throws CamelExecutionException;

I my case the Class is List<Data.Offer> when I use the following Kotlin code:

producerTemplate.requestBodyAndHeaders(endpoint, null, params, MutableList<Data.Offer>

It does not compile, I end up using the following, bur the compile is giving type casts warnings.

abstract class CamelBaseSupplier(val camelContext: CamelContext) : Supplier {
    open fun requestOffers(endpoint: String, params: Map<String, Any>): MutableList<*> {
        val producerTemplate = camelContext.createProducerTemplate()
        return producerTemplate.requestBodyAndHeaders(endpoint, null, params,

Thank you.

Replace that with this and it compiles without warning for me:

producerTemplate.requestBodyAndHeaders(endpoint, null, params,
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Hi @dalewking:

yeap, this is what I used but the compilation working happens when I try to use this method in from a child inheritant class
the consumer code looks like:

val offers = requestOffers(ENDPOINT, params) as MutableList<Data.Offer> 

At this point I do need the type of the list to containt Data.Offer objects so I had to use the cast.
So my question is how to I declared that I expect the result of the call to result object of the type MutableList<Data.Offer> ?

Thank you, kindly

Afraid you’re running into the limitation of the JVM type system and the way that generics are implemented on the JVM and not a problem with Kotlin. You would have the exact same problem on plain Java. A class object knows absolutely nothing about any generic parameters.

It appears in this case what you want is to do the cast inside of requestOffers and suppress the unchecked cast:

abstract class CamelBaseSupplier(val camelContext: CamelContext) : Supplier {
    open fun requestOffers(endpoint: String, params: Map<String, Any>)
        = camelContext.createProducerTemplate()
             .requestBodyAndHeaders(endpoint, null, params,
              as MutableList<Data.Offer>

Even if you were doing this in Java you would also have an unchecked cast due to Java’s use of type erasure for generics

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Thank you for the great insight.:slight_smile: