Cannot return in init?

class HelloWorld(int: Int?) {
    init {
        if(int == null) 
            return       // 'return' is not allowed here

class HelloWorld {
    constructor(int: Int?) {
        if(int == null)
            return        // This is fine

Is there a way to return in init? or I am forced to use constructor?

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Alternatively you can write it so that you don’t need the return:

class HelloWorld(int: Int?) {
    init {
        int?.let {
            // Do something with int

Kotlin’s constructors are possibly the worst language construct I’ve ever encountered. Stuffing a bunch of constructor logic into the class header is horrible because it absolutely kills code readability. Having a separate init block is also horrible because it separates init logic from the constructor. And unfortunately yes, Kotlin does NOT allow the return keyword to appear within an init block.

I work around the ridiculous return limitation by doing a silly time-wasting hack:

init {

private fun properInit() {
    return //ha!