Class xxx() : yyy(){} to c# or java?

Hi all, im an c# user and i never used kotlin/java before.

I have this working code on kotlin but im not able to convert into c# or to convert to java then to c#.

Any idea how to convert this class?

is an lightstreamer request, maybe an extend class of this class SessionRequest()

//code start
package com.lightstreamer.client.requests
import com.lightstreamer.client.session.InternalConnectionDetails
import com.lightstreamer.client.session.InternalConnectionOptions

class CreateSessionRequest(targetServer: String, polling: Boolean, cause: String?, options: InternalConnectionOptions, details: InternalConnectionDetails, delay: Long, password: String?, oldSession: String?) : SessionRequest(polling, delay) {
    init {
        this.addParameter("LS_op2", "create")
        this.addParameter("LS_polling", "true")
        if (cause != null) {
            this.addParameter("LS_cause", cause)

        var requestedPollingInterval = 0L
        var requestedIdleTimeout = 0L
        if (polling) {
            requestedPollingInterval = options.pollingInterval + delay
            requestedIdleTimeout = options.idleTimeout
override fun getRequestName(): String {
        return "create_session"

    override fun isSessionRequest(): Boolean {
        return true

//code end

Is there something specific you don’t understand exactly? CreateSessionRequest inherits from SessionRequest and calls a constructor of it passing 2 arguments polling, delay.
The rest is quite straightforward, the code block in init can be just put the body of a constructor, in Java at least.

You can find here a C# version of the same class.

thanks a lot.
alla fine ero riuscito in qualche modo a farlo ieri sera dopo ore/giorni di tentativi.

La classe adesso è ok ma mi manca ancora molto da capire cosà c’è che non va con lightsteamer perchè non ricevo i segnali dal server. Da qualche parto sbaglio o manca qualcosa. Cercherò di registrarmi al forum di lightreamer.
Grazie di nuovo