Constant values used as default value in constructor parameters


I’ve been playing around the Kotlin and I’m really liking what I’m seeing. I think the language strikes a real nice balance between expressiveness and practicality, I particularly think the emphasis on making sure the code is readable and has few gotchas is a really good idea.
Anyway, I was playing around and couldn’t work out how to do the equivalent of the following (very common) Java code.

class MyMap {
  public static final DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 16;

  public MyMap() {

  public MyMap(int capacity) {



The issue is defining a constant inside the class and using as a default constructor parameter. i.e. you might try this …

class MyMap(val capacity: Int = DEFAULT_CAPACITY) {


But the value isn’t in scope … You might try to do it Scala style with a companion object …

class MyMap(val capacity: Int = MyMap.DEFAULT_CAPACITY) {
object MyMap {



But it seems you can’t have companion objects named the same as your classes … meaning you need a specially named companion object just for that single constant value … which is a bit yuk.

You can of course, introduce it top-level …

class MyMap(val capacity: Int = DEFAULT_CAPACITY) {

But now you’ve cluttered up the global namespace with a constant that only makes sense for the MyMap class … you can hide the top-level item as private … but now people can’t explicitly get hold of the default capacity if they need it for some reason.

Anyone know any solutions I’ve not thought of?



This works. I'm not sure I like the fact you have to fully qualify the name of the constant.

class MyMap(val capacity: Int = MyMap.DEFAULT_CAPACITY) {   class object {   val DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 16   } }

And now I shall answer my own question ... wonder if I get points.

I couldn’t find a lot of documentation about it, but seems there are ‘class objects’ that can fulfill this role. Presumably these are similar to companion objects in Scala … except that I actually prefer the Kotlin concept simply from the point of view of keeping the syntax for related things close together.

class MyMap(val capacity: Int = MyMap.DEFAULT_CAPACITY) {
  class object {
  val DefaultCapacity = 16


Nice solution, I’m liking where Kotlin is going.


Thanks Chris, looks like I found the right answer :-) Took quite a bit of digging ... doesn't seem to be anything official on class objects, that I could find.

There's a bit about them here: