Is it possible to receive an event if an actor
using a ConflatedChannel
receives events close enough to be conflated? My purpose is to try and cancel the work being done to process the event, as the new one comes in.
Here’s what my actor looks like, roughly:
private val updateDataRequestAsync = actor<DataObject>(UI, capacity = Channel.CONFLATED) {
for (newData in channel) {
// This process is expensive, may take ~3 seconds
// I want to cancel it if it's not being used
val processedData = myHeavyComputation(newData).await() // uses CommonPool
It is possible for the new raw data to come in more frequently than the time it takes to process any single event. In that situation, is it possible to get some kind of a notification so that I can cancel the child myHeavyComputation
(assuming that coroutine is cancellation friendly)?
Am I thinking about this the right way? Is there an alternative design that would avoid this problem and allow me to process new data coming in frequently?