Coroutines println() output not overlapped

My code resemble something like this

fun main(args: Array<String>) = initialize { {
        async { 
            println("$it: started")
            //... execution that takes random time ...
            println("$it: finished")
    .forEach { it.await() }

fun <T> initialize(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T) = runBlocking {
    //...some stuff...
    val res: T = block()
    //... some other stuff...
    return@runBlocking res

The output is not overlapping:

0: started
0: finished
1: started
1: finished

How is this possible? I suspect I am doing no parallel computation at all. Using kotlinx-coroutines-core:1.0.0-RC1 but I was having the same behaviour even with previous versions.

This is your code, I just reduced the number of coroutines from 0..100 to 0..10 to have a smaller output and fixed some errors so it can compile:

import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.async
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlin.random.Random

fun main() = initialize {
    (0..10).map {
        async {
            println("$it: started")
            delay(Random.nextLong(100, 1000)) // Simulate workload
            println("$it: finished")
    }.forEach { it.await() }

fun <T> initialize(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T) = runBlocking {
    // ... some stuff ...
    val res: T = block()
    // ... some other stuff ...
    return@runBlocking res

And these are the outputs for two different executions:

Output 1
0: started
1: started
2: started
3: started
4: started
5: started
6: started
7: started
8: started
9: started
10: started
3: finished
2: finished
0: finished
4: finished
8: finished
6: finished
10: finished
7: finished
1: finished
9: finished
5: finished
Output 2
0: started
1: started
2: started
3: started
4: started
5: started
6: started
7: started
8: started
9: started
10: started
9: finished
6: finished
1: finished
0: finished
4: finished
8: finished
7: finished
2: finished
3: finished
5: finished
10: finished

So your code works as you expected, I don’t know why it doesn’t work for you. Try testing the code I posted above.

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I think the result depends on whether the “execution that takes random time” suspends or not. Compare delay vs Thread.sleep. (I can’t test it myself at the moment.)


Yes, you are right. If you use Thread.sleep then the output is as you say.

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Actually the operations I’m performing is I/O bound. I guess it’s actually blocking the thread. Should I be using threads instead then?

runBlocking use the current thread and an event loop, please consider the official documentation

And please consider

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If you specify the coroutine context then the code runs as expected:

import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.async
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlin.random.Random

fun main() = initialize {
    val jobs = List(10) {
        async(Dispatchers.Default) {
            println("$it: started")
            Thread.sleep(Random.nextLong(100, 1000))
            println("$it: finished")
    jobs.forEach { it.await() }

fun <T> initialize(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T) = runBlocking {
    // ... some stuff ...
    val res: T = block()
    // ... some other stuff ...
    return@runBlocking res
0: started
1: started
2: started
3: started
4: started
5: started
6: started
7: started
1: finished
8: started
8: finished
9: started
5: finished
2: finished
0: finished
7: finished
6: finished
3: finished
4: finished
9: finished

Note: I have an 8 thread processor that’s why only 0-7 start and then wait for a thread to be free (1: finished) to then start another one (8: started), and so on.

Check to decide with one is the best dispatcher for your use case.

That was it! Using the IO dispatcher I managed to actually achieve concurrency! Thank you guys :slight_smile:

Unfortunately the SDK I’m using has restrictions on multithreading so I’ll have to figure out how to handle things properly.