Hello. Didn’t find this topic and the case is simple: currently it’s not possible to inherit data class from another one and its copy method is not deep. (The common method is to serialize/parcelize the class and return back, but it’s another story). So, I’m trying to simply create a new instance of a KClass according to these methods but can’t find such as:
and .constructors.first().call() doesn’t work even if my class have no constructor parameters (or they have defaults)
So, if MyClass::class.java.newInstance() is the best method, is there a purpose to use others? It’s even doesn’t need to add ‘reflect’ in gradle. (Maybe there is something for KMP but not sure).
P.S. is there a shorten way to get KCLass from an instance instead of foo.javaClass.kotlin?
I was going to add that technically, ::class doesn’t create a KClass instance, but simply returns the existing one representing that class. However, having checked, I’m not so sure!
In Java, that’s how Class works: it’s a class with a private constructor, so you have no way to create new instances, and can only use the ones you get from .class and similar — which are presumably created by the JVM when first loading the class class, and so there’s exactly one instance for each class.
But Kotlin’s KClass is not a class — it’s an interface. And you can create your own objects implementing it (though it’s a bit fiddly, with 19 separate properties to implement).
Does anyone know why it was done that way? And what effects that might have on code using it?
It’s an interface just because there’s multiple implementations of it due to a KClass having multiple implementations depending on the situation (I think e.g. classes defined in Java might have a different KClass impl or something, I don’t know tbh)
I don’t have an IDE in front of me right now, but IIRC, when you decompile kotlin code that uses foo::class (by using Show Kotlin Bytecode and decompile to Java) it calls an intrinsic method like getOrCreateKClass(foo.class), and so internally it has some map of Java Classes to KClasses