I try to manage my threads for IO Processes. One of is for Realm usage.
init {
val ai = app.packageManager.getApplicationInfo(packageName, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA)
bundle = ai.metaData
runBlocking(appExecutors.dbContext) {
It works fine if I set val dbContext as newSingleThreadContext(“databaseIO”)…
But I develop an android-library, so If there is an implementation of Realm on the app module, I need to set usage on the same thread. And generally, everyone use main thread to use Realm. In that case I tried to set UI but it caused ANR. I can understand why it causes ANR, but I can’t find a proper solution for this scenario.
Note: if I use it with launch… it works for here. But on my RealmManager class I need to use runBlocking. So there is no way to use only launch…
fun getProfile(id: String): Profile? {
try {
return runBlocking(dbCoroutine) {
val query = realm!!.where(Profile::class.java).equalTo("numbers.id", id)
} catch (ex: Exception) {
logger.e(TAG, ex)
return null
internal val allProfiles: List<Profile>
get() = runBlocking(dbCoroutine) { realm!!.where(Profile::class.java).findAll() }
Is there anything I do wrong way, or any advice for better implementation?
Thanks & Regards