I lately had a look at Google Go which does not support inheritance. Instead it provides language built-in delegates. When I first saw it appeared absolutely obvious to me: no more single inheritance, multiple inheritance (with it's problems), traits (and stateful traits have their problems), nor mixins. It's all done through delegates. Okay, admittedly, delegates in Go are a simple construct. For instance, there is no protection of methods nor inst vars, and no late binding (which is a problem, I think). But in Kotlin these things can be done:
trait Base { protected fun base() : Unit { println("base") } }
open class BaseImpl : Base {
trait Base2 {
fun base2() : Unit {
}open class BaseImpl2 : Base2 {
open class Bar() {
protected fun bar() {
}class Foo(b : Base = BaseImpl(), b2 : Base2 = BaseImpl2()) : Base by b, Base2 by b2, Bar() {
fun foo() : Unit {
And then running this:
{ val foo = Foo() foo.foo()
will print:
I don't really see a difference to inheritance here. You get just the same bang. You don't even see that you get it through delegates instead of inheritance. The solution above is a bit verbose, yes. You have to implement and additional class BaseImpl and BaseImpl2. Then, this is a little verbose compared to inheritance:
class Foo(b : Base = BaseImpl(), b2 : Base2 = BaseImpl2()) : Base by b, Base2 by b2
Nevertheless, I keep asking myself seriously whether we can cross inheritance out. Find a more concise way to define lists of delegates (see code above), get a fix for KT-3029 and that's it. Don't get me wrong. I have been developing 10 years with Smalltalk (truly OO) and 10 years with Java (well, oops ...). But I think I know what inheritance is and I'm starting to get a feeling that it is a construct which back then was defined too narrow and resulted in a too narrow harness. Then it caught on, probably because people jump on everything that is new. And then it was a success you can't stop. I think late binding and classes were much more important than inheritance.
Any opinions?
Cheers, Oliver