Delegates.observable -> Support for sub classes?


I’m fairly new to Kolin and I’m trying to convert a small Java application to Koltlin, mainly as an exercise. I want to implement the State pattern. For this I have the following setup (simplified):

interface State {
    fun selectState(context: Context)

object State1 : State {
    override fun selectState(context: Context) {
        if (...) {
            context.currentState = State2

object State2 : State {
    override fun selectState(context: Context) {
        if (...) {
            context.currentState = State1

class Context {
    var currentState: State = State1

    fun updateState() {

I want to get rid of the updateState() calls inside the states and call this whenever the currentState of the context is changed. So I thought that I can use an Observable for this:

var currentState: State by Delegates.observable(State1) { _, _, _ -> 

But this results in an error message:

Error:(22, 32) Kotlin: Property delegate must have a 'setValue(Context, KProperty<*>, State)' method. None of the following functions is suitable: 
public abstract operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: State1): Unit      defined in

I think the problem is that ObservableProperty and ReadWriteProperty do not use generic constraints.

Is there another way to do this?

“Delegates.observable(State1)” assumes the type of the variable to be “State1” and not “State”.
Try this:

var currentState: State by Delegates.observable<State>(State1) { _, _, _ ->

Just tested this and it’s working! Thank you :grinning:

Forgot how you can explicitly tell generic methods what type you want…