Delegates should perform null-check when accessed

Kotlin property delegates do not infer types based on the property they’re associated with. For example:

import java.util.Scanner

fun methodThatReturnsAPlatformType() = Scanner("").findInLine("") // Returns type String!

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
  val property: String by lazy { methodThatReturnsAPlatformType() } // Returns Lazy<String!>
  println(property) // Should throw IllegalStateException if `property` value is null

Now if we simply assigned the property instead of a Lazy delegate, we get the correct error:

import java.util.Scanner

fun methodThatReturnsAPlatformType() = Scanner("").findInLine("") // Returns type String!

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
  val property: String = methodThatReturnsAPlatformType() // Returns String!

To work around this issue, we can explicitly set the type param for the delegate, val property = lazy<String>.

This StackOverflow question shows a case where @kolossal ran into this issue.

I believe this should be changed so that delegates returning a platform type should have an extra null check. All other cases where a non-nullable property is assigned a null value throws an error, so should delegates.

This example is in direct opposition to this paragraph from the Kotlin docs (

If we choose a non-null type, the compiler will emit an assertion upon assignment. This prevents Kotlin’s non-null variables from holding nulls. Assertions are also emitted when we pass platform values to Kotlin functions expecting non-null values etc. Overall, the compiler does its best to prevent nulls from propagating far through the program (although sometimes this is impossible to eliminate entirely, because of generics).

This case is covered by the issue