I have an API I’d like to use with the following declaration:
typealias PLFLT = Double
typealias PLFLTVar = DoubleVarOf<PLFLT>
typealias PLFLT_VECTOR = CPointer<PLFLTVar>
fun c_plline(n: PLINT, x: PLFLT_VECTOR?, y: PLFLT_VECTOR?)
I’m trying to call this function like this:
val Array<Point>.x get() = map { p -> p.x }
val Array<Point>.y get() = map { p -> p.y }
fun line(points: List<Point>)
memScoped {
val bufferX = allocArray<PLFLT>(points.size)
val bufferY = allocArray<PLFLT>(points.size)
points.x.forEachIndexed { index, value -> bufferX[index] = value }
points.y.forEachIndexed { index, value -> bufferY[index] = value }
c_plline(points.size, bufferX, bufferY)
That doesn’t work because:
- the pointer doesn’t accept the operator;
- allocArray() returns a CArrayPointer; not a CPointer
I have also tried to use cValuesOf() unsuccessfully.
Not sure how to do it properly. I’d appreciate any suggestions.