Hi :
havn’t been here for a while and I’m back 
I’m about to write a blog post about kotlin in Chinese, then I found that I could contribute to the community by translating the official docs to Chinese, which is the best doc for Kotlin so far 
So my question is, how can I do that, is there a place to store the translation?
Currently we do not have a centralized place to store translations, but we’ll be happy to put up a link to externally hosted documents from our main page and promote it in our blog and twitter.
OK, then I'll put it on github :-) I'll inform you when I've got some progress
I've been fighting with github pages yesterday, and finally got one working , here is the link to the docs: http://zhaopuming.github.com/kotlin-docs-cn/posts/welcome/
I’ve only tranlated the Welcome page yet. It looks good though 
Will continue this work this month and see how it goes 
Greate! Let us know when it's complete enough to be promoted.
Hi Andrey:
I’ve completed the translation
All pages except the Grammar and Publications are translated into Chinese now.
Those two pages are left because their seems no need to translate them. People can just go to the original docs to see the grammar and links to publications.
The translation is hosted on Github, and can be accessed with this URL: http://kotlin.zhaopuming.cn
It’s now available for all people to review, and I’m gonna do some review and improvements in the following days.
The only thing I’m worried is how can I keep up with future doc updates.
Thanks! I've posted a link in Kotlin twitter, and will add it to the web page as well (I'll need to find some reasonable section for it).
The only way I see for you to follow the changes is to subscribe for notifications about the Kotlin space.
Thanks for the Chinese doc!