Does a kotlin/js library have a single state no matter how many times it is included in a project?

Imagine I have made the kotlin/js libraries A, B and C.
A is used by B, and both A and B is used by C.
A exposes a function add(foo: String) that adds to a list.
B adds to the list and C adds to the list.
When C check the content of that list will B’s additions be included?

What you are asking is not related to the language itself but it’s a more wide problem called Transitive Dependencies. Since Kotlin is built by Gradle (like 99% of the times) have a look on how Gradle handles transitive dependencies here :slightly_smiling_face:

I found a bizarre bug with kotlin-js transitive dependencies by the way. If you have main entry point in a project and in a dependent project. they will be both included. One start script will run after the other.

Yeah, I’ve had my share of experience with IVY so it’s not unknown territory :slight_smile:
I guess I asked in case there were some oddities about this when dealing with javascript or kotlin/js.
I’ll delve into how Gradle go about this.

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Actually, the problem is mainly that of the loader. In principle the javascript loading systems are designed to “isolate” libraries. As such multiple copies of a library could theoretically coexist. Loader systems such as requirejs don’t actually allow this (for good reasons) as multi-dependency can create all kinds of issues if library A includes libraries B and C and B and C each use a different version of library D (but A doesn’t expect that).