does Kotlin have multi-catch like Java? Something like this:
catch(SomeException | OtherException exc) {
Would be nice.
does Kotlin have multi-catch like Java? Something like this:
catch(SomeException | OtherException exc) {
Would be nice.
Not at the moment, but it is on the table
Any news on the topic?
The above is still true.
I stumbled across this thread wondering the same thing…later I realized that a similar control flow can be achieved by nesting a when statement inside a catch block… Nothing revolutionary. I’d just like to share the idea.
try {
// code
} catch(ex:Exception) {
when(ex) {
is SomeException,
is AnotherException -> {
// handle
else -> throw ex
This certainly works, but is slightly less efficient as the caught exception is explicit to the jvm (so a non-processed exception will not be caught and rethrown which would be the corollary of your solution)
Has there been any progress on this?
Having to use @surplus.et 's suggestion is very cumbersome and bloated.
Andrey’s message is still true. Multi-catch is not on the roadmap for 1.2, but it’s very likely that it will be added at a later time.
when it is ready, please add inspections as well to collapse into multicatch
Sure, we’ll do that.
Beginner here. Why this code
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
} catch (e: JsonMappingException) {
} catch (e: UnrecognizedPropertyException) {
compiles fine? (I don’t think it works, but it does compile)
It looks perfectly fine for me. There is no multicatch here.
Try listing the catch of the most specialised exception first, otherwise I suspect that catch (e: Exception)
will catch all.
I think use only catch (e: Exception) enough.
Well, who knew that reading the documentation would be of any value
matches its argument against all branches sequentially until some branch condition is satisfied
Of course in my case it didn’t work, since Exception
was listed first.
While we wait for the multicatch support I’ve created this extension that may help someone:
fun <R> Throwable.multicatch(vararg classes: KClass<*>, block: () -> R): R {
if (classes.any { this::class.isSubclassOf(it) }) {
return block()
} else throw this
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
e.multicatch(SomeException::class, OtherException::class) {
// Shared catch execution
Thanks carlesic! That is a pretty reasonable work around! Wish I thought of it!
It’s a pity it requires kotlin.reflect
You can avoid reflect and adding new method by using when
clause, it is not much longer:
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
is SomeException, is OtherException -> {...}
else -> {}
To mimic multi-catch the else branch should rethrow the exception.
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
when(e) {
is SomeException, is OtherException -> {...}
else -> throw e