Dracula Kotlin theme ... I like my annotations with a splash of colour :)


I realise this is slightly frivolous post but I am surprised that my Dracula theme for Kotlin has annotations as the foreground colour (did that change?).

In terms of ‘demos’ to Java programmers and for me personally I like my annotations in a slightly different colour - aids understanding, code scanning etc and it helps make it a little more java like. So yes, I go and edit the theme for Kotlin and set a colour for annotations - sorted, no big deal but my personal thought is that this is a ‘tiny bug’ in the Dracula theme.

Then I got to thinking there were a few styles I was not convinced about such as underscores on var’s etc.

Does anyone has a theme for Kotlin they would like to share?  
Any thoughts on what theme properties people like to adjust from the defaults?

Cheers, Rob.

Not sure what your styles look like, but I have a few slightly modified one from http://www.ideacolorthemes.org/home/, tweaking some of the Kotlin settings. I'll throw them up on http://github.com/hhariri/tidbits in a bit.

Nice, thanks.

I have tried a few - Dracula, Obsidium, Programmer and typically I need to modify the following for my Kotlin tastes:

  • Annotation
      … change to use a different colour (not foreground)

  • Var (mutable variable, parameter or property)  
      … reduce contrast on underscore (or remove entirely)

  • Property with backing field
      … remove background

Cheers, Rob.

Yep. Those are pretty much the same entries I changed.