Enum constructor syntax is cumbersome


Is there any reason the class name must be used as part of the enum constructor?
I find it very cumbersome.
Here is what I am talking about:
// current syntax
private enum class StrengthLevel(val minMod: Int, val maxMod: Int) {
  Weak : StrengthLevel(-5, -3)
  Normal : StrengthLevel(-1, 1)
  Strong : StrengthLevel(3, 5)
  VeryStrong : StrengthLevel(6, 9)

//desired syntax
private enum class StrengthLevel(val minMod: Int, val maxMod: Int) {
  Weak(-5, -3)
  Normal(-1, 1)
  Strong(3, 5)
  VeryStrong(6, 9)

This is for hitorical reasons only. The syntax will be revised soon