I just raised a bug KT-25359 but would like to know if anyone has a workaround for it.
I just upgraded from Kotlin 1.2.31 to 1.2.51 and kotlin serialisation 0.4.2 to 0.5.1. I upgraded because I was prompted to do so when upgrading to the latest kotlin IDEA plugin. My project compiled cleanly before but now I get the above error when I try and build (or rebuild) the project in IDEA. Note that the project compiles without problem when compiling from the command line using maven.
Hi @rundmcollie I need help in similar issue I am using kotlin plugin: 1.3.31-release-Studio3.4-1
and trying to run ui tests, the tests are running fine on local emulator and real device. But when I tries to run them on circle ci I am getting the similar error
Task :app:kaptGenerateStubsFossDebugKotlin FAILED e: org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.KotlinFrontEndException: Exception while analyzing expression at (43,44) in /home/circleci/project/app/src/main/java/chat/rocket/android/authentication/registerusername/presentation/RegisterUsernamePresenter.kt Though I have not changed anything in the above presenter