Exception during code generation (inlining suspend functions)

The combination of the following code causes a compiler exception:

inline fun <T,R> AsyncConnection<T>.mapEdges(crossinline transform: suspend (T) -> R): AsyncConnection<R> {

return object: AsyncConnection<R> {
	override suspend fun loadEdges(): List<Edge<R>> {
		return this@mapEdges.loadEdges().mapSuspend { DefaultEdge(transform(it.node), it.cursor) }
	override suspend fun loadPageInfo(): PageInfo = this@mapEdges.loadPageInfo()


inline fun <T,R> AsyncConnection<T>.mapEdges(crossinline transform: suspend (T) -> R): AsyncConnection<R> {

return object: AsyncConnection<R> {
	override suspend fun loadEdges(): List<Edge<R>> {
		return this@mapEdges.loadEdges().mapSuspend { DefaultEdge(transform(it.node), it.cursor) }
	override suspend fun loadPageInfo(): PageInfo = this@mapEdges.loadPageInfo()


Error:Kotlin: [Internal Error] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Backend Internal error: Exception during code generation
Cause: Back-end (JVM) Internal error: Couldn’t inline method call ‘mapSuspend’ into
public open suspend fun loadEdges(continuation:

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