Extend class primary constructor without repeating every single parameter

Hi, not sure if it is the correct category but it goes.

I found very frustrating the fact that I need to repeat all the parameters in the primary constructor in classes that descend from a complex class.

For example:

open class Bird(val name:String, val sound:Sound, val color:String = "black")

class Duck(name:String, sound:Sound, color:String = "black", val jumpHeight:Int):  Bird(name,sound,color)

This is one small example, with only one subclass, but you can see i repeated the same stuff 3 times already, quite annoying. This Specially affects big api response models.

My suggestion is make a new keyword for extending the primary cosntructor paramenters, like.

open class Bird(val name:String, val sound:Sound, val color:String = "black")

class Duck(..., val jumpHeight:Int): Bird(...)

or if “…” is not a good keyword maybe:

open Bird(val name:String, val sound:Sound, val color:String = "black")

class Duck extend constructor(val jumpHeight:Int): Bird()

Something like this would be really usefull.

Even simple languages like SQL allow this, I know it is quite different because it does not have constructors and methods but still, they thought about the time the developer would spend repeating fields.

  name text,
  sound text,
  color text

  jumpHeight int
) INHERITS (birds);

Thank you for reading.


I like the use-case but I wonder if Decorators would pave a way for this or other function code.

For example, if we could generally reference functions (and this is only for making this example) using this@fun.
The ability to forward on params could be proposed using the spread operator like this: Using Bird(*this@fun)

class Duck(name:String, sound:Sound, color:String = "black", val jumpHeight:Int):  Bird(*this@fun)

Of course, this also includes the spread operator changes. I’m more wondering if there’s a more expandable form of syntax that could be in parity with future Kotlin features.
I’m not necessary advocating for those, or OPs proposal being done-- the use-case seems like a good thing to keep in mind.

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Could be, and could also be useful for using super functions when overriding from superclass