Discussed how to build SQL queries with code in this topic, but figured out that this is not really possible to do in a nice way. We can’t build SQL natively in the language, as @mtimmerm explained in the other topic:
The problem is with the lambda expressions like { it.age < 30 } . In Kotlin, there is no reasonable way for the filter function to process that and turn it into an SQL expression.
After a super brief look at LINQ, it looks neat! But I have have reservations when it comes to Kotlin–especially since Kotlin makes a big effort to support easy creation of typesafe DSLs–maybe there’s an even more impactful improvement that we’re missing for Kotlin DSLs in general.
Let me know if I’m understanding it correctly:
LINQ is a query DSL embedded in C# that allows you to more easily write queries. The DSL is transpiled into SQL or used to query object collections or querying XML documents. The DSL is more restrictive on what properties and types can be used since it doesn’t support translating arbitrary C#.
So back to the use-case. It sounds like your use-case is writing SQL queries more easily in Kotlin. For that, what is lacking in Kotlin DSLs? What is (or are) your top pain points?
Is it harder to compose queries that are valid Kotlin syntax (aka, is it uglier)?
Are you missing some aspect of transpiling to or from SQL?
Is there something more error prone due to a lack of checks in a Kotlin DSL?
Is it the lack of being able to use the same query on SQL and on object collections (and XML docs, etc)?
Is it the lack of a stdlib tools for making SQL queries?
Those are the ones I could think of off the top of my head. The reason I want to focus on use-cases and pain points is that o think they can lead to a much clearer picture of what values a solution may or may not bring.
Depending on what the real need is, Kotlin may already have a good solution or be able to change in a way that allows users to build systems that solve LINQ style problems with thier own libraries.
Could you link to the SQL topic also? I don’t see it in the OP.
Yes, Kotlin do have a great support for DSLs. I have used Exposed and really love it, but in some cases it is easier to just handle things like a list with regular list operations, at least when selecting only from one table.
The critical feature is a limited ability to use code as data.
We all know that, in Kotlin, when you call a method that takes an instance of a Java functional interface, you can specify the parameter with a lambda expression. Kotlin will compile it into code that produces an instance of that interface, which the method can then call.
C# has an extra feature along similar lines. When you call a method that takes an Expression<...>, you can specify it with a lambda expression, and the compiler will compile it into code that produces an instance of the Expression type.
The Expression object can be called like a function, and that is how it would be used if you use an Expression to filter a list.
But the Expression object is also an abstract syntax tree. This provides the receiver of the expression with an easy way to inspect the actual code that you provided in the lambda expression, and translate it into a different language, like SQL. That is how it’s used when you use an expression to filter in a database.
Hmmmm. That sounds like something that could be implemented right now using a compiler plugin, but I’m not experienced enough to know if it’s fully possible. It sounds like that a compiler plugin could analyse the could in a manner similar to C#'s expressions and then spit out some Kotlin code that does exactly the same thing. Maybe even it could then be optimised for performance with some form of inlining? I’m not entirely sure, but this sure sounds interesting. Maybe something for the Arrow folks to also look at as a possible improvement on the Arrow Query Language.
LINQ is about (1) kind of “link comprehensions” which are similar to do notation in Haskell allowing you to express nested flatMap’s sequentially and (2) code as data via Expression<> type.
Something like this can help open up the language to support all kinds of useful abstractions. For an example what can be done when it’s made as flexible as possible, Common Lisp implements a very strong macro facility that is based on this concept.
However, JB has on several occasions said that they don’t want to implement such facility. I believe the argument is that it can be abused.
I agree that it would be an interesting feature. Not that it is not possible right now on the library level (for example in KMath we use expression builders for mathematical operations). But it would help a lot.