Files and Directories Listing

I have the following script:

if( args.isEmpty()) {
    println("[no args]")
} else {
fun charInt( n: Int ) : Int {
    var intChar = n
    if( intChar > 'z'.toInt()) {
        intChar = 'a'.toInt() + n % ('z'.toInt() - 'a'.toInt())
    return intChar
fun encryptString( string: String, n: Int) : String {
    var encryptedString: List<Char>
    encryptedString = { (charInt(it.toInt() + n)).toChar() } )
    return encryptedString.toString()

fun currentFolder(): File {
    return File("").absoluteFile
val current = currentFolder()
println("Current folder: ${current.fileNames().joinToString("\n")}")
fun File.contents(): List<File> {
    return this.listFiles().toList()
fun File.fileNames(): List<String> {
    return this.files().map { }
fun File.folderNames(): List<String> {
    return this.folders().map{ }
fun File.folders(): List<File> {
    return this.contents().filter { it.isDirectory }
fun File.files(): List<File> {
    return this.contents().filter { it.isFile }
fun File.printFolderInfo( progparam: String?) {
    //val arg = args.SecondOrNull { it.startsWith( this.path)}
    // 1
    var displayHidden = false
    if( progparam != null) {
        if( progparam.toString() == "true") {
            displayHidden = true
    println("Contents of '${}':")
    // 2
    if (this.folders().isNotEmpty()) {
        for( i in 0..this.folders().size - 1) {
            if (this.folders()[i].name[0] != '.' || displayHidden) {
                println("- folders:\n    ${this.folderNames().joinToString("\n    ")}")

    // 3
    if( this.files().isNotEmpty()) {
        for (i in 0..this.files().size - 1) {
            if (this.files()[i].name[0] != '.' || displayHidden ) {
                println("- Files:\n    ${this.fileNames().joinToString("\n")}")
    // 4
    println("Parent: ${}")

fun valueFromArgsForPrefix( prefix: String) : String? {
    val arg = args.firstOrNull { it.startsWith( prefix)}

    if( arg == null) return null

    val pieces = arg.split("=")
    return if (pieces.size == 2) {
    else {
val folderPrefix = "folder="
val folderPrefix2 = "hidden="
val folderPrefix3 = "rotation="
val folderValue = valueFromArgsForPrefix(folderPrefix)
val folderValue2 = valueFromArgsForPrefix(folderPrefix2)
val folderValue3 = valueFromArgsForPrefix(folderPrefix3)
var printedDirectoriesEtc = false
if( folderValue != null) {
    val folder = File(folderValue).absoluteFile
    printedDirectoriesEtc = true
} else {
    println("No path provided, printing working directory info")
    printedDirectoriesEtc = true
if( folderValue2 != null && printedDirectoriesEtc == false) {
    val folder2 = File(folderValue2).absoluteFile
val string: String = "hereisastring"
var encodedString: String = ""
if( folderPrefix3 != null) {
    encodedString = encryptString(string, folderValue3!!.toInt())

I’m trying to write a script that uses the ROT-n encoding scheme with the one difference being that if you try to rotate a letter by n and that value ends up in being a value outside the 26 char alphabet it rotates around.

The program basically works It encoded a string and it is not far off a correct value.

Any help would be very welcome.

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There is a lot of code there, and I’m pretty sure most of it is not related to the actual problem.
Could you please post an expected input, expected output, and what are you getting?

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