'final' is deprecated inside 'interface' but my code is not compiled without 'final'


package interfaceinline

import java.util.ArrayList

interface ListHasShape<H: HasShape>:Iterable<H>{
  val list: ArrayList<H>

  inline final fun <reified T : Data> by() = emptyList<T>()

open class HasShape(var shape: Shape)

interface Data

abstract class Shape

If I preserve ‘final’ then

Modifier ‘final’ is deprecated inside ‘interface’

If I remove ‘final’ then

 ‘‘inline’’ modifier is not allowed on virtual members. Only private or final members can be inlined.

How to write properly?

PS. Full project code is here.

In your case the solution would be to move the function out of the interface and make it an extension:

interface ListHasShape<H: HasShape>:Iterable<H>{
    val list: ArrayList<H>
inline fun <reified T : Data> ListHasShape<*>.by() = emptyList<T>()