Flow - How to retry or skip single element on error

I have a Flow like this:

    runBlocking {

        val values = (0..10).asFlow().map {
            println("generating $it")
            if (it == 3) {
                throw RuntimeException("error with $it")


On error I want to retry only element with an error n times, not the whole stream.
If retry fails I want to skip the element and continue the stream.

Thanks for help,

First of all - this isn’t supported in general case, because Flow is the same with forEach (but with async logic).

However I use function below. Not sure if it is absolutely right, however it works in my case:

fun <TInputData, TOutputData : Any> Flow<TInputData>.mapWithTryCatch(
    logger: KLogger,
    action: suspend (TInputData) -> TOutputData
) = mapNotNull { data ->
    try {
    } catch (e: Throwable) {
        logger.error(e) {
            "Unable to process $data"

        if (e is CancellationException || e.cause is CancellationException) {
            throw e



So what should I use instead of Flow to do it kotlin way?

This is just operator, please use it instead of map. So the code below work. And please remove logger if it is not needed.

private companion object : KLogging()

runBlocking {
    val values = (0..10).asFlow().mapWithTryCatch(logger) {
        println("generating $it")
        if (it == 3) {
            throw RuntimeException("error with $it")
