Hi there, I’ve just release a DSL lib for game creating at GitHub - icela/FriceEngine-DSL: A DSL system for FriceEngine. It's written in Kotlin, powerful and productive!. The core is a thin wrapper of Frice Engine, which is another simple lib, also written in Kotlin.
Here I’d like to give some examples, like:
Creating objects:
import org.frice.dsl.game
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
game {
size(300, 300)
showFPS = false
oval { // create an oval, located at (233, 233), you can also set the width and height.
x = 100.0
y = 100.0
button { // create an button
text = "deep dark fantasy"
x = 10.0
y = 10.0
width = 200.0
Adding animations:
import org.frice.dsl.game
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
game {
oval {
x = 10.0
y = 10.0
velocity {
x = 100.0
accelerate {
y = 2.0
} // so that you can see a red ball falling from the left-top of the window.
for more info please view this project on GitHub. There is a demo showing more features there.
It’s an easy way to create simple games with GUI.
The DSL is also friendly to people who know nothing about Kotlin, even programming.