I'm unable to get beyond this error message trying to make the simplest hello world program work with Kotlin and Gradle on Intellij 14.1.1 and Kotlin I'm using JDK on OSX 10.10.2. Attached screenshots show the code, gradle config and run config.
[Screen Shot 2015-04-13 at 10.25.13 PM.png|attachment](upload://xA6FknGFz73PE8QdcDiY0WhCxaa.png) (48.9 KB)
[Screen Shot 2015-04-13 at 10.22.17 PM.png|attachment](upload://hRr2ji9hTMEEKlsr7Z3s6Lx3JQ1.png) (20 KB)
[Screen Shot 2015-04-13 at 10.22.40 PM.png|attachment](upload://wyzU7D5xwifH8mKyiBOL18CR9wY.png) (57.6 KB)