Function Reference to Overloaded functions

When a function is referenced like

val temp = Int::div

The compiler shows an error
“Overload resolution ambiguity:
public final operator fun div(other: Byte): Int defined in kotlin.Int
public final operator fun div(other: Double): Double defined in kotlin.Int
public final operator fun div(other: Float): Float defined in kotlin.Int
public final operator fun div(other: Int): Int defined in kotlin.Int
public final operator fun div(other: Long): Long defined in kotlin.Int
public final operator fun div(other: Short): Int defined in kotlin.Int”

How to solve this error?

Specify the type that you expect: val temp: Int.(Int) -> Int = Int::div


This does not work as well as expected for generics :

interface I {
    fun exists(n: Int): Boolean
    fun exists(n: String): Boolean

abstract class A<T> {
    abstract val m: I.(T) -> Boolean

class B : A<Int>() {
    override val m = I::exists // Overload resolution ambiguity

Specifying the type gets rid of the error:

class B : A<Int>() {
    override val m: I.(Int) -> Boolean = I::exists

I do agree though that the type here should be automatically inferred