import kotlin.reflect.full.declaredFunctions
class A<B> {
var p: B? = null
interface X {
fun a(): A<Int>
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val aint = X::class.declaredFunctions.first().returnType
is there some way to get the type of the p property of class A with the Int parameter from the KType aint? I imagine I can compute it myself by getting the KClass of aint, getting the declared props and then matching the type parameters in the property type with the ones in aint, but it seems a somewhat involved, error prone, process
Not always. In this case you have so-called reified type. It is not stored, but defined in the call-site and then inlined. In your particular case it works because the type of X is defined statically and compiler can infer it. In more general case it won’t work.
In case reification is available, you can find type via reification directly:
inline <reified B> fun getType(): KClass<out B> = B::class
I don’t see how it would be able to inline that in my case, after .first() the compiler should have no clue of what function I’m talking about at the definition of aint.
Anyway, however it’s done, since aint is A<Int> at runtime, getting the type of A::p as Int? when starting from aint, instead of the erased B?, should be a matter of matching names and “filling in” the slots.