I wanna get KClass instance or at least the full kotlin class name that is inside a parameter in my annotation
by my annotation processor, Look at below code for more clarification
// Another developer’s code using my library
@MyAnn(kClass = List::class)// My annotation processor code
val myAnn = element.getAnnotation(MyAnn::class.java)myAnn.kClass // ERROR → throws MirroredTypeException
As seen above an exception is thrown which kinda expected since that’s what said in
documentation here getAnnotation()
So to get the full name I use below code
val typeMirror = try {
myAnn.kClass as TypeMirror // won’t even reachas TypeMirror
but just for type inference
}catch (e: MirroredTypeException) {
}val typeElement = processingEnvironment.typeUtils.asElement(typeMirror) as TypeElement
// Then to get full name use below line
typeElement.qualifiedName // Done
But above approach has a problem
Which is if the class in the annotation’s parameter corresponds to a java class
Ex. @MyAnn(kClass = Boolean::class)
it returns the full name as java.lang.Boolean not kotlin.Boolean
and same thing for a lot of other classes such as List, Set etc…
I wanna get the full name of the declared class in kotlin so how to do so.
Also If there is no way what is the best workaround
I thought of 2 solutions in case above requirement is not possible to be achieved
the current workaround which I use which is converting classes to kotlin by using this function
which I found suggested
in an issue in kotlinpoet (it’s the same problem) here
BUT the same discussion it’s said it’s not accurate here
& here as well,
and since the second link mentioned kotlin metadata might be the approach for the solution
I tried to ask here
But then the reply says the question isn’t relevant to kotlinx-metadata-jvm -
Generated code is in java instead of in kotlin, but it’s problem is I wanna
have extension functions so I will need the classes in kotlin so the same
problem all over again.
Sorry for all the links, but I just wanted to show all my trials so that
no one will waste time in something that’s already have been checked
And Thanks in advance .